Ark Royal Berry Rose Iced Tea Rolling Tobacco | 方舟皇家漿果玫瑰冰茶手捲煙絲 | 推介香港煙斗煙絲專賣店 | 線上網購

Ark Royal Berry Rose Iced Tea Rolling Tobacco -方舟皇家漿果玫瑰冰茶手捲煙絲



很多客人都喜歡抽方舟皇家漿果玫瑰冰茶手捲煙絲, 而這品牌也剛出了新產品,便是Berry Rose Iced Tea漿果玫瑰冰茶煙絲
方舟皇家漿果玫瑰冰茶手捲煙絲由三層防護材料製成,可確保最佳濕度水平並長時間保持菸草原始狀態。 ARK ROYAL 源自於 MONTEPAZ 品牌,向過去傑出的探險家以及他們在全球各地不懈追求感官、香氣和味道的探險活動致敬。
Ark Royal Berry Rose Iced Tea Rolling Tobacco | 方舟皇家漿果玫瑰冰茶手捲煙絲 | 推介香港煙斗煙絲專賣店 | 線上網購

rolling tobacco

Ark Royal Berry Rose Iced Tea

Many customers like to smoke Ark Royal’s Berry Rose tobacco, and this brand jas just released a new product-Berry Rose Iced Tea.In addition to the fruity fragrance of berry rose, this product also has the tea fragrance of ice tea. If you like a fresher feeling, it is really worth a try.

An intricate blend of classic warmth-infused flavors, subtle floral and fruity accents, and a hint of aged spirit, ARK ROYAL’s harmonious union of exceptional Virginia and Burley tobaccos is revealed.

Ark Royal’s Berry Rose tobacco pouches are constructed with three layers of safeguarding material, ensuring optimal humidity levels and preserving the tobacco in pristine condition for extended periods. Hailing from the MONTEPAZ brand, ARK ROYAL pays homage to the illustrious explorers of the past and their ventures across the globe in a relentless quest for sensations, aromas, and taste.

香港九龍旺角雪茄店開【Cigar Party】- EVER CIGAR




Rolling tobacco near me

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手捲煙絲香港,我們在1998年已經在香港康怡南座4樓賣煙絲了,手捲煙絲香港老行尊也勉強稱得上了;但若你未滿18歲,不是來購買,只是來你們店希望你們教我可以嗎? 對不起,抽煙只歡迎18歲或以上人士,我們會面斥不雅,請你們勿讓我們觸犯法例。



手捲煙絲旺角專賣店 :

煙斗、手捲煙、煙斗外送、雪茄和水煙膏等產品Rolling Tobacco煙絲cigar哪裡買推薦ppt。您可以通過雪茄網上訂購這些高質煙草產品,還享受cigar外送服務。訂貨及查詢熱線:23682335
Whatsapp whatsapp_s: 66770075
WeChat ID: evercigar
旺角店: 地址:香港九龍旺角西洋菜南街1A號百寶利商業中心22樓01室(港鐵旺角站E2出口或港鐵油麻地站A2出口) 進入Google地圖




Whatsapp whatsapp_s: 92830129

深水埗店:深水埗福榮街92C號地舖 Sham Shui Po Tobacco Shop Address: Shop C G/F, 92 Fuk Wing St., Sham Shui Po, Kowloon


Author: diana chiu