Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey pipe tobacco 中文名字:帆船牌威士忌煙斗煙絲
帆船牌威士忌煙斗煙絲是精心挑選充滿活力的芳香弗吉尼亞和美味、順滑的白肋煙經過精心混合,創造出令人愉悅的味道和香氣,並通過傳統上陳釀八年以上的最好的肯塔基波本威士忌來豐富其豐富、複雜的風味。 博爾庫姆即興波本威士忌精緻而活潑,此煙斗煙絲具有獨特而迷人的味道和香氣。 它融入了八年肯塔基波本威士忌,將天然煙草風味與獨特的香氣和諧地結合在一起,既經典又帶有微妙的陽剛氣息。
pipe tobacco
Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey pipe tobacco is carefully chosen, vibrant aromatic Virginia and flavorful, smooth smoking burley tobaccos are expertly blended to create a delightful taste and aroma, enriched by the finest Kentucky bourbon whiskey traditionally aged for over eight years to develop its full, intricate flavor. Sophisticated yet lively, Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey pipe tobacco offers a distinctive and captivating taste and aroma. Infused with eight-year-old Kentucky Bourbon, it harmoniously combines the natural tobacco flavor with a unique aroma that is both classic and subtly masculine.
Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey煙斗絲是選用金黃的弗吉尼亞煙葉和肥碩的白肋煙葉,調和以肯塔基最上乘的八年以上的老陳波旁威士忌,煙氣芬芳迷人,口感自然陽剛。
Pipe tobacco near me
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